トピック / Topic (card):

"It is good for Japan to prioritize science related subjects over literature related subejcts"
Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?

回答例 / SAMPLE Answer

I agree on the idea that Japan should prioritize science related subjects. Let me explain this.

As a matter of fact, Japan’s higher education focuses on academic performance based on innovative and creative ideas. Since 1949, there have been twenty-two Japanese winners of the Nobel Prize, especially in the fields of medicine, biology, chemistry and physics. This has led to a better quality of life.

In like manner, Science spurs the development of state-of-the-art technology, engineering, and biomedical research. This makes educational institutions in Japan appealing for foreign students. As a result, Japan can maintain its lead role in Science education.

Overall, Japan is already known worldwide for its competencies in the various field of sciences.That’s why it is just right to prioritize science related subjects.

( 127 words)

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