トピック / Topic (card):

"Parents should allow elementary school kids to have smartphones"
Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?

回答例 / SAMPLE Answer

I agree that parents should allow elementary school kids to have smartphones. I am thinking of the benefits it can give to both parents and children.

First, smartphone is a great tool for parents to trace and communicate with their children. Modern phones have GPS that allow parents to track their children and monitor them incase there are unforeseen emergencies such as earthquake. They can also check if they have arrived at school safely.

Second, it is an important tool for learning. The students can access to additional learning resources like mobile dictionary or translator. There are built-in educational applications that help students learn especially in speaking the English language.

In conclusion, smartphones should be given to elementary students for safety reasons and educational solutions as long as parents teach them how to use the phones properly. (139 words)

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