トピック / Topic (card):

"Using SNS do more good than harm"
Do you agree with the statement? Why or why not?

回答例 / SAMPLE Answer

I agree on the statement that Social media is indeed doing more good despite of the idea that once abused, it can do more harm.

To begin with, it is a tool created basically for communication. With SNS, I can easily keep in touch with my friends in the Philippines. Long distance relationships have become possible thru this because it also offers free messaging and video chatting for free.

In addition, it is used by teachers and parents to check their children’s whereabouts by viewing the posts and pictures shared on their SNS accounts. Aside from that, teachers can create a group page on Facebook as an online board for student's interaction outside classroom settings.

Overall, the use of SNS still do more good as long as the users follow the appropriate security measures. (134 words)

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