トピック / Topic (card):

Describe a memorable event that you experienced when you were at high school.

回答例 / SAMPLE Answer

One experience I treasured most was when I won the first prize in our investigatory project in Science.

At first, I was worried when our Science teacher assigned us to do a research on how to recycle trash. I decided to work on making paper charcoal out of waste paper. It was kind of interesting because I could contribute to minimizing paper waste at school and at home.

During the presentation, there was a panel of judges and I felt like my work was nothing compared to others. To my surprise, I won the first prize. I was so happy with the result making me proud of myself.

Finally, I was able to gain a lot of confidence because of the achievement I had. Thus , I consider that event as one of the memorable experiences I had during my High school years. (143 words)

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