通訳案内士2次試験 2014年度過去問 スピーチサンプルスクリプト&音声(Set2 Japanese wind chimes)


通訳案内士2次試験 2014年度過去問シリーズ


  1. Kofun
  2. Natural disasters of Japan
  3. Japanese wind chimes

今回はSET2の3つめ”Japanese wind chimes”です


Furin are kinds of Japanese summer ornamentals called Wind chimes or wind bells in English. It comes from the word “Fu” means “wind” and “rin” which means  “bell”.

They are hung outside of houses and buildings during summer. When the wind blows them, they emit beautiful chiming sound.

In the olden days, Buddhists believed that the sound produced wards off evils. In the modern time , however, Furin are well-loved acCEssories for the hot and humid summer in Japan. Most japanese find the sound of wind chimes relaxing with cooling effect. A research even claimed that the soothing sound actually lowers the body temperature.

Furin come in various forms, shapes, and colors. You can choose from traditional to modern designs. Though there are a lot of varieties, Japanese usually think of glass made ones from the word “Furin”. They are also made from different materials such as su-RAA-mics, glass, and metals. I personally love the ceRAAmic ones because they really create a COMforting, beautiful, and long-lasting sounds.

They are widely-available in any shops at the onset or during summer. Furin are usually small and beautiful that  come handy as souvenirs.  So, don’t forget to grab one before going back to your country.
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