東京も夏のような日が続いていますが、常夏のフィリピンもいよいよ本格的な夏を迎えようとしています。先日Angel講師がIce Candyを作ったと、とても美味しそうな写真を見せてくれました。これは美味しそう~!と思い、レシピを教えてもらいましたので、共有させていただきますね。ぜひ作ってみて下さい。私もやってみます!
Ice Candy is a Filipino summer dessert which is perfect for the hot weather condition. It could come with various flavors. Having Mango, Buko(Coconut) and Chocolate as top favorites of them all. I am making this summer a mixed fruit Ice Candy flavor.
1 Fruit Cocktail can net weight 836 gram
1 Condensed Milk can net 397 grams
1 Evaporated Milk can net 370 grams
1 tsp Vanilla extract
3 cups of water
Ice candy plastic size 1 1/2 x 10 inches
1. Drain the fruit cocktail. You can blend it for 6 seconds if you prefer to have a finer texture of your fruits.
2. Combine all the ingredients in a big bowl.
3. Transfer them to ice candy plastic using a funnel.
4. Freeze them.
You can now quench your thirst with this super easy summer delight. To make it healthier, adding yogurt will do better.
