TOPIC: Should democratic nations actively promote the spread of democracy to non- democratic nations?
To make all the people in the world live ※in a human way, I believe that democratic nations should actively boost the spread of democracy to non-democratic nations, especially in terms of ruling by the people, securing basic human rights and serving peace to the world. To support my claim, let me discuss to you my three mentioned points further.
First, democracy is government of the people, by the people, for the people. Democracy represents the views and notions of all the citizens of the country. Moreover, all the people are equally treated under the laws. While there are various systems of government used throughout the world, democracy is the most stable form of government ruled by the people.
Second, democracy respects and promotes basic human rights.
However, in the non-democratic nation, China, for example, many fundamental human rights are restricted, including freedom of expression, association and religion. By advancing democracy, people in non-democratic countries will be able to exercise basic human rights.
Third, democratic government creates stability and peace. When changes are needed, they will be done by democratic rules. However, in the autocratic governments, for instance, changes can occur from top by decree or, in the extreme case, by overthrowing the government. Thus, democracy helps maintain stability and peace to the society and then to the world.
Therefore, I conclude that democracy should be widely spread to non-democratic nations given the above mentioned reasons.(236 words)
指摘されたのは※1行目のin a human wayが
in a human way >>> in a humane way = humanely
