通訳案内士2次試験 2014年度過去問シリーズ
- Kofun
- Natural disasters of Japan
- Japanese wind chimes
今回はSET2の3つめ”Japanese wind chimes”です
Well, Kofuns are ancient tombs for rulers in Japan during the 3rd to 7th century. Since the government was located in the Kinki area in this period, many huge Kofuns can be found in Osaka and in Nara prefecture. They come in various shapes , but the most common one is zenpo-koen fun which is shaped like a key-hole. This type has square front and round back.
In some of them, you can see coffins of various types with several acCEssories such as mirrors, beads, swords and so on. Usually, Haniwas or clay figurines are placed at kofun area to protect the sacred place.
The biggest kofun in Japan is called the Daisen Kofun, which has been attributed to Emperor Nintoku. It has a key-hole shape with the length of 486 meters, a diameter of 259 meters and a width of 305 meters. It is as high as 33 to 35 meters. It was constructed in the 5th century and is situated in Sakai City, Osaka. This is very accessible and within walking distance from Mozu station of the JR Hanwa Line.
So, if you want to experience something similar to the pyramid of Egypt, in Japan, visiting Kofuns is highly recommended.
(202 words )

名古屋大 物理工学科卒、米国の大学院にて原子核工学修士を取得(アメリカ留学)。20代はGEやBCGといった一流外資企業で語学力を活かし外国人のエグゼクティブへ英語でのプレゼン経験も多数有。理系でありながら、実用英語技能検定1級、TOEIC980点、IELTS7.5点。著書: 一生食える「強み」のつくり方