通訳案内士2次試験 2014年度過去問シリーズ
今回はSET1の1つめJapanese Alpsです
- Japanese Alps (日本アルプス)
- Hastumode (初詣)
- Meiji Restoration (明治維新)
The spectacular landscapes of the Japanese Alps is basically a series of mountain ranges in Japan which bisect the main island of Honshu.
As of current ,it encompass the North Alps known as Hida Mountains, the Central Alps known as the Kiso Mountains and the Southern known as the Akaishi Mountains.A Buddhist priest from Toyama region, Banryu was said to be the first climber of Kamikochi mountains. As time shifted to Meiji period, mountain climbing was introduced as a leisure and sport activity by some Westerners. William Gowland an English goldsmith, was hired by Meiji Government with a group of western engineers, and introduced his first mountain climbing experience in Yarigatake to a magazine in July, 1877.
Gowland first used the term “Japanese Alps” in his article, and it became common name to describe Japanese mountains located in Nagano prefecture. Moreover a National Park called Kamikochi was designated and a group called “Kamikochi Preservation” was established by local community in 1965. They have been preserving and maintaining the virgin nature of Kamikochi through voluntary activities. Natural environment of Kamikochi completely depends on tourists’ manners and their activities.
Wandering and hiking in the Japan Alps is absolutely a world class activity.
(201 words)

名古屋大 物理工学科卒、米国の大学院にて原子核工学修士を取得(アメリカ留学)。20代はGEやBCGといった一流外資企業で語学力を活かし外国人のエグゼクティブへ英語でのプレゼン経験も多数有。理系でありながら、実用英語技能検定1級、TOEIC980点、IELTS7.5点。著書: 一生食える「強み」のつくり方