



Meet the Creator of Emoji

Emoji combines the Japanese words for “picture” and “letters.” Emoji have become a worldwide language for mobile phone messages. Shigetaka Kurita started it all. He created the first set of 176 emoji pictures in 1998. In those days, mobile Internet services limited the number of characters they can send. Users, therefore, would look for shorter ways to express their thoughts. After his creation, emoji immediately became popular in Japan.

For his creation, he collected common images, including public signs, weather signs and even comic-book style images. He also made five faces — happy, angry, sad, surprised and confused. Some images easily translated across cultures.

However, emoji’s have changed a lot compared to his original designs. Unfortunately, he is not well known in Japan outside of the technology community.

For me, using emoji is such an enjoyable thing. They are a part of my life. I always use them whenever I send messages to my family and friends. I can’t imagine the internet world without emoji.

They are very useful and they can help us in expressing our feelings effectively. It’s easy to convey emotions. If we don’t use emoji, it’s too simple and probably misinterpreted or even can give a bad impression. I think they soften the expression.

I’ve come to know a research in Japan that shows 65.1 % of people use emoji. Say, for men 59.0 % and for women 72.7%. This means many people enjoy using it. So we can say Mr.Kurita’s invention is one of the most influential invention of the 21st century.

It is developing. We can create and sell new emoji or stamp in an application LINE by ourselves. I’ll keep on using and enjoying it continuously.

今回はtoday’s pick upではなく、実際の授業でこの記事を扱うと、どんな質問をされるかをご紹介します。これは私が実際にCherry講師の研修で、彼女の授業を受けた時にされた質問の一部です。みなさんも、ぜひ答えを考えてみて下さいね。

・When were the first emoji created?
・Where does the word “emoji” come from?

・Do you think that emoji are good at conveying emotions? Why? Why not?
・Do you agree that emoji are a worldwide language? Why? Why not?
・Would you say that the smartphone is the most influential invention of the 21st century?



