Electric Bike Ban in New York Hurts Food Delivery Workers
A ban on electric bicycles in New York City is hurting delivery workers who depend on them to earn a living.
Electric bicycles, or “e-bikes,” have foot-powered pedals like other bicycles. But they also have electric-powered motors to assist riders in moving the bike forward. Most e-bikes reach speeds of about 32 kilometers an hour, but some can go much faster. These e-bikes make jobs much easier. For instance, delivery workers can shorten delivery time so they can deal with much more orders.
However officials there cite the dangers of using e-bikes on streets and sidewalks as reason for the ban. Last year, the city announced severe measures meant to hold e-bike riders and restaurants that employ the riders responsible. Also e-bike operators can now be fined $500 for violating the ban. Police can also seize the bikes if needed.
I do not agree with the ban on electric bicycles in New York City. Here are the reasons why I think so.
First of all, e-bikes bring convenience to most of delivery workers. Using e-bike does not need so much physical strength because they automatically assist riders in moving the bike forward. This means even elderly people or injured people can ride or use them.
Secondly, e-bikes are environmentally friendly. If they use cars or motorbikes, they need gasoline to run the vehicle.This will cause the air to be polluted and a possible traffic jam as well. Though, their safety is at risk, authorities have to remind them to follow the traffic rules for their sake.
Thus, I do not agree with the ban on electric bicycles in New York City.(132 words)
today’s pick up :助動詞might
本文7段落目に「he might physically collapse if he tried to complete his daily work using a normal bicycle」という文が出てきました。今日はこの助動詞mightをpick upしてみようと思います!
今日は1の「独立用法:可能性・推量」をpick upします。
You may feel some shaking when the plane takes off.(飛行機が離陸するとき、いくらか揺れを感じるかもしれない。)のように、mayは「~かもしれない」という可能性・推量を表します。日本語では「かもしれない」と自信のなさを表しますが、mayは実際そうなるかもしれないという、より高い可能性を表すので注意しましょう。
一方、The goods you ordered might arrive tomorrow.(あなたが注文した商品は、明日届くかもしれない。)のように、mightを用いると「(もしかすると)~かもしれない」という、mayより可能性の低い推量を表すことになります。
could<might<may<can<should<ought to<would<will<must
●S might doの使い方について
My son might become prime minister when he grows up.
(=It is barely possible that my son will become prime minister when he grows up.)
We might just catch the train if we hurry.
What beautiful scenery! We might be in Alaska.
(=It looks as if we were in Alaska.)
●S might have doneの使い方について
He might have got on the train already.
(=It is possible that he has already got on the train.)
He might not have met my father.
(=It is possible that he has not met my father.)
Might she have missed her train?
(=Is it possible that she has missed her train?)
