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Is a Flying Car in Your Future?
The flying cars technology could bring change to commercial and personal travel.
Using this kind of technology keep us away from any worries regarding traffic congestion , road construction and related circumstances. A flying car could get people somewhere much faster than one traveling by road. The company says flying taxis could travel up to 241 kilometers an hour!
On the other hand, there are also known downside of this transportation system.This might bring obstacles in the sky like collision of drones or other flying cars, sky traffic. Since these are battery operated there is a huge possibility that the car might experience battery empty casualty. But electric power or app will solve these issues.
Flying cars may appear in the skies sooner than we think.
I agree with this idea. This is very interesting article for me and I’m excited with this.
Firstly, it will save time a lot. When we go somewhere by car especially in the holidays, like summer vacation or the up coming Bon season, we will certainly experience traffic jam. This makes the driver really annoyed and nervous. Children can’t definitely stand this situation as well. I’d surely like to use this flying car every time I visit my hometown with my daughters.
Secondly, flying cars are very good for the environment. They use electric power, so they don’t pollute the air at all. Since electric cars are not so common yet, we have no other options but to use a lot of gasoline every time we travel in distant places which causes air pollution.
In conclusion, I agree that flying taxis should be used more commonly in the near future. I really hope it won’t cost high, though.
Today’s pick up : could
用例:It could be rain later this evening.(今日の夕方遅く雨が降るかもしれない。)
●●●could have done●●●
用例:The answer could have been right.(答えは正しかったかもしれない)
用例:By this time next weekend you could have forgotten all about this.(来週の今頃には、もうこんなことはすっかり忘れてしまっているかもしれませんよ。)
could,might,may,can,should,ought to,would,will,must
